Tiny Forests
Inspired by the pioneering work of Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, these small-footprint projects revolve around a groundbreaking approach to rewilding land. Since the 1970s, Miyawaki has championed the planting of young indigenous species in close proximity to rapidly regenerate forests.
Miyawaki’s method, rooted in his extensive study and cataloging of Japan’s vegetation, involves surveying nearby forests to identify the main species. “The planting should center on the primary trees of the location, and following the laws of the natural forest,” Miyawaki wrote in a 2006 essay upon receiving the Blue Planet award.
Under the Miyawaki Method, saplings compete for light, resulting in accelerated growth, as explained by Miyawaki’s collaborator, Kazue Fujiwara. This technique can be applied anywhere, even in plots as small as one meter wide, though Fujiwara recommends a minimum of three meters for easier species diversity. “Where people want natural forest for protecting life, people can use the Miyawaki method,” she affirms.
Once we receive funding we hope the Cliftonville community will be able to experience the power of Miyawaki’s method with our Tiny Forests initiative and witness the transformation of small pockets of land into flourishing ecosystems.