Film & Photography Permissions
Any commercial entity applying to film at The Oval Bandstand & Lawns is subject to paying administration and location fees, in return for which they will receive a licence fo film. These fees will only be applied once an application has been looked at and deemed suitable to go ahead and you will be provided with a link to pay online.
Payment is required prior to filming. Additional administration charges will be charged to large scale productions or productions that take up a lot of time, this will be discussed individually with applicants.
Permission is not required for film and photography for private use (i.e. non-commercial).
Administration fees
Fee | Crew size |
ÂŁ30 | Charity, Not-for-profit, Students (at discretion, no additional location fees) |
ÂŁ50 per hour | Wedding Photography (at discretion, no additional location fees) |
£75 | Handheld camera – up to 5 people |
ÂŁ150 | Small crew – up to 10 people, camera and tripod only |
£200 | Medium Crew: 11 – 20 people |
ÂŁ275 | Large crew: 20-50 people |
ÂŁ350 | Very large crew: 51+ people |
Location fees
Variable: This will remain dependent upon the scale, type and requirements of each shoot. Each application would be negotiated individually, based on these factors and the fee will be agreed in advance of filming with the production company
Refunds for administration charges paid will only be applicable if filming is cancelled due to the fault of The Oval Bandstand & lawns or its contractors.
Parking dispensations, bay suspensions​ & road closures
Any special requirements for parking off-site must be arranged in advance with Thanet District Council.
For road closures please also apply via Thanet District Council.
Filming and Photography Application Form
Before completing the application form please ensure you:
- have read and agree to abide by our GDPR policy
- have read and agree to abide by our Guidelines for Filming, Recording and Photography at The Oval Bandstand & Lawns
- are ready to upload a copy of your Public Liability insurance (if you prefer you can email it to us at a later date)
- are ready to upload a copy of your Risk Assessments (if you prefer you can email to us at a later date). You can download a Risk Assessment template HERE.