This fun dog show with categories ranging from the best Easter bonnet to the waggiest tail, every dog is welcome – big, small, pedigree, mutt, young and old – it’s Cliftonville’s celebration of the canine world!
Best in Show is open to all first rosette winners.
Bring along your pampered pooch, join in the fun and WIN some prizes!
Categories include:
Best Dog Easter Bonnet
Waggiest tail
Best trick
Best rescue dog
Best behaved
Best dressed
Dog most like it’s owner
Fastest dog
Best in Show
Start time is 1pm please arrive early to register.
Entry fee is £1 per dog.
Why not register your dog for the show and pay online!
Remember you can also sign up on the day!
You’ve got between now and Easter Sunday on 17th April 2022 to come up with a custom-made headpiece worthy of your pooch winning the Pooch Easter bonnet competition .
Pictures of entrants will be taken on the day.
Judges will award prizes for the most creative bonnets and best dogs in each category.